Blood Diamond Movie puts Canadian Diamonds Under Microscope

From the “sparkly pepple” department ::

With the recent release of the movie “Blood Diamond” Canadian Diamonds and the Canadian Diamond Industry are being eyed with a litlle more scrutiny lately. This article from the Toronto Star takes a critical look at the Canadian Diamond Industry and suggests that Canadian diamonds, although they may not be blood diamonds, are maybe not as “conflict” free as they would first appear. The author of the story is Larry Innes, the executive director of the Canadian Boreal Initiative. The Canadian Boreal Initiative say they are, “…an independent organization working with conservationists, First Nations, industry and others to link science, policy and conservation activities in Canada’s boreal region.”

In other news, Aber Diamond Corporation has released their Q3 results in the form of a webcast while the text version of the Q3 results can be found here. If you’re in to reading and understanding these things there is a lot of information to be digested.

Meanwhile, Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. has issued a press release explaining how they have increased their interest in the WO Diamond Project to 71.74%>. I’m not much of an expert on accounting principles and practices so it sounded like a whole bunch of hokus-pokus, chicken swinging, vodoo accounting magic to me. What exactly does this press release mean? All our investors backed out so now we have more of an interest in what’s left? Or…, due to some calculated and strategic footwork we now own a majority stake in the project. Investors should always do their homework. Only those on the ground know exactly what’s happening.

Anyhow…, I should see what movie theatre is running “Blood Diamond”.